Exhale Nevada – Las Vegas, NV

Exhale Nevada – Las Vegas, NV

Located at:

4310 W Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89103

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    About Us

    Welcome to Exhale Nevada, the Las Vegas, NV premier Medical Marijuana Dispensary. They are here to provide a premium luxury cannabis experience along with providing high quality medical marijuana to their members. This dispensary offers the same award winning cannabis, available to their medical members, to anyone over the age of 21 at their Las Vegas Dispensary. They carry the widest selection of premium concentrates on the market.


    A core component of their dispensary mission statement is their commitment to the advocacy and advisement of cannabis and their unique compounds as safe and therapeutic botanicals. Also their mission is to redefine the cannabis market by providing nothing but superior products and upscale customer service.


    Their trained medical marijuana hosts interview each client regarding the symptoms or conditions they are experiencing. After consultation, the host advises recommended strains, products, delivery methods to mitigate relieve symptoms as indicated by specific situation. From chronic pain relief and appetite modulation to treatment of glaucoma symptoms and nausea, medical marijuana is proving to be extremely effective in the treatment of many conditions, and the list is growing.

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Sunday

    08:00 am - 03:00 am

Manage Your Dispensary


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