FLUENT – Orlando, FL

FLUENT – Orlando, FL

Located at:

1901 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL, USA

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    About Us

    FLUENT is a high-quality medical marijuana dispensary serving Orlando, Florida patients with premium cannabis medications.  They are dedicated to compassionately provide patients access to the highest-quality medicinal cannabis in a professional healthcare environment that puts the welfare of patients first. They dedicate themselves to providing qualifying Orlando, Florida patients access to medical-grade cannabis with the highest measure of patient care and service. Always putting their dispensary patients first, also they strives to operate at the highest standards of quality in practice and performance, from bud to the Orlando patient’s experience.


    After applying to the state, they were granted one of a handful of dispensary licenses to process and dispense medical cannabis products starting in 2016.  Assembling an Orlando team of cannabis experts in the medical marijuana , they dedicated their work to achieve the highest results for patients in Florida who deserve an improved quality of life.

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Thursday

    09:00 am - 08:00 pm

  • Friday - Saturday

    09:00 am - 08:30 pm

  • Sunday

    09:00 am - 07:00 pm

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