Keystone Center of Integrative Wellness – Willliamsport, PA

Keystone Center of Integrative Wellness – Willliamsport, PA

Located at:

1490 High St, Williamsport, PA, USA

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    About Us

    Keystone Center of Integrative Wellness is a Medical Marijuana Dispensary located at Willliamsport, PA. When Pennsylvania first sought to pass legislation allowing the use of medical marijuana, their team knew that they were aspired to create a program that would substantially and positively impact local communities and their members. With a deeply-seated belief that a community is not the product of one single, evenly connected group, but rather the intersection of multiple diverse groups all working towards a collective vision, the concept of the dispensary was born.


    They are a designated Woman Owned Business committed to providing the most positive patient dispensary experience possible. Their aim is to improve the quality of life for patients in Northcentral Pennsylvania by providing access to the highest quality, pharmaceutical-grade medical marijuana treatments available within a context of a carefully tailored and monitored program for each individual they serve.


    Their vision  is committed to supporting the health of patients holistically by offering a comprehensive array of services that improve the larger community, one life at a time

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Saturday

    10:00 am - 06:00 pm

  • Tuesday - Wednesday

    11:00 am - 07:00 pm

  • Thursday - Friday

    12:00 pm - 08:00 pm

  • Sunday

    Closed - all day

Manage Your Dispensary


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