Nova – Mesa, AZ

Nova – Mesa, AZ

Located at:

1911 W Broadway Rd, Mesa, AZ, USA

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    About Us

    Nova Dispensary is a Medical Marijuana Dispensary located in Mesa, AZ. This dispensary brings out the good in nature by providing the highest quality tested products for both new and experienced patients. They go above and beyond state regulations to provide their patients with reasonably-priced quality products. Their management has personally vetted their suppliers to ensure that their products are always top-tier and safe to consume.


    Their mission at the dispensary is to provide a comfortable and professional environment in which to learn about cannabis and the products that best meet your needs. They understand every patient is different and strive to provide great service as well as great products to patients across the valley. They are never afraid to answer questions, and openly share the information you need as a patient to make decisions and find products that help you the most.


    The trusted Patient Advisors at their dispensary are knowledgeable about cannabis and are here to help. At their dispensary, they educate their patients and help them gain the knowledge needed to make informed decisions.

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Saturday

    09:00 am - 09:00 pm

  • Sunday

    09:00 am - 07:00 pm

Manage Your Dispensary


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