Procure LTD Saco, ME

Procure LTD Saco, ME

Located at:

9 Lund Rd STE 1

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    About Us

    Procure Ltd. is a vertically integrated medical marijuana dispensary serving the patient population of Saco, Maine and the surrounding regions of York County. Dedicated to providing the best cannabis product, experience, and knowledge to their patients, they procures a craft cannabis experience for their qualifying medical marijuana patients.


    They have began as a team of cannabis patients and connoisseur smokers who wanted to share a higher standard of medical marijuana with other Saco patients. Looking around Maine’s availability of cannabis products, too often patients were forced to use marijuana that either was poor quality, ineffective or simply too expensive for regular use. They were inspired to make a change, and after working hard to achieve compliance, they opened their dispensary doors in October 2016. Since beginning, they have helped the Saco medical marijuana patient population access high-quality and various cannabis products to achieve an improved quality of life.


    The team is committed in guiding their cannabis patients to the ideal marijuana treatment for their health needs. As patients themselves, they offer a large base of knowledge to guide patients along on their cannabis.

Located at: 9 Lund Rd STE 1

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Friday

    10:00 am - 06:00 pm

  • Saturday - Sunday

    Closed - all day

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