The Healing Corner Bristol, CT

Located at: 159 E Main St, Bristol, CT 06010

Dispensary Not Verified

About Us

A medical dispensary located in Bristol, Connecticut, The Healing Corner is dedicated to working with each patient to understand their needs and prescribe the most effective kind of medical marijuana. At their dispensary they strive to Better understand and facilitate the needs of their patients, making sure they have the most enjoyable and comfortable experiences with medical marijuana.


Respect and honor the laws about medical marijuana set forth by the great state of Connecticut. Create and maintain an atmosphere in their dispensaries based on professionalism, compassion, security, and privacy. Set the highest standard for customer service in the medical marijuana products. Create a positive example in both the medical marijuana and for other communities working to revise medical marijuana law.


They operate in full compliance with House Bill 5389. They are passionate about delivering new and effective ways to bring relief to the patients. In addition to edibles, extracts, and flower, this dispensary also carries all the accessories you could need to medicate.

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