Treasure Tree Bozeman, MT

Treasure Tree Bozeman, MT

Located at:

100 Shepherd Trail Unit 4, Bozeman MT 59718

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    About Us

    Located in Bozeman, Montana, Treasure Tree is a medical cannabis dispensary serving high-quality medical marijuana products at an affordable price. They brings international experience to their medical marijuana goods and services.They are dedicated in assisting qualified patients with safe and convenient access to medical grade cannabis. They are committed in providing alternative health resources, helping to ensure your highest quality if life. They work in conjunction with holistic and wellness professionals to help bring you the highest quality of care.


    The dispensary officially opened in 2017, a year after the tumultuous Montana legislation changes finally ended. This Bozeman dispensary features plenty of perks you don’t always find at other shops. They have been awarded several titles from wide competitions, including the Cannabis Cup and the Emerald Cup, among others.


    Knowledgeable staff with 40 years of combined cannabis experience.They are available to help you find relief in a safer more natural way. To shop at this dispensary, you must name it your primary dispensary through the Department of Health.

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Saturday

    10:00 am - 08:00 pm

  • Sunday

    10:00 am - 05:00 pm

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