YiLo Superstore – Phoenix, AZ

YiLo Superstore – Phoenix, AZ

Located at:

2841 W Thunderbird Rd, Phoenix, AZ, USA

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    About Us

    YiLo Superstore is a premier medical marijuana dispensary located in Phoenix, AZ. Each patient is their passion and they bake, extract, cook, and create every medical marijuana product with them in mind. They invite you to share in the medical benefits of cannabis and that this dispensary is the premier medical marijuana.


    They most probably has a cannabis-infused version of it. This is a very popular marijuana edibles brand that is sold in dispensaries all over Arizona. Their store in Phoenix sells their flower, extracts, candy, drinks and baked goods all in one place, so you do not have to hop from dispensary to dispensary to find the product you are looking for.


    The products have a reputation for being delicious and potent, helping to treat various assortments of ailments. Customers love their dispensary products, since they know that, as the patient, each edible is made.

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Sunday

    09:00 am - 10:00 pm

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