Zen Leaf – Phoenix , AZ

Zen Leaf – Phoenix , AZ

Located at:

4244 West Dunlap Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, USA

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    About Us

    Zen Leaf is a Phoenix Medical Marijuana Dispensary. This location is dedicated to providing excellent patient care for Phoenix’s medical marijuana community. Carrying well over a hundred menu items daily, they offer strains exclusively to their dispensary. They offer a complimentary service once a month allowing marijuana patients to consult with a doctor during their office hours.


    At this dispensary they are dedicated in providing their patients the highest quality and best selection of medical marijuana in a safe, comfortable environment. Their friendly and knowledgeable team are professionals committed to helping patients, and they always welcome your questions and feedback.


    They take the time to educate their patient care team about the types of products, cannabinoids, and terpenes. The dispensary team strives to build relationships with patients, and they are always available by phone, email, social media, and through their website to answer questions. Their dispensary offers a variety of medical grade cannabis products catering to the Phoenix cannabis community also they invites patients to learn about the medicinal benefits of marijuana.

Open Hours:

  • Monday - Sunday

    07:30 am - 10:00 pm

Manage Your Dispensary


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