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Terpene Spotlight: Using the Benefits of Caryophyllene

Natasha Winkler

by Natasha Winkler

July 21, 2024 08:00 am ET Estimated Read Time: 4 Minutes
Fact checked by Kymberly Drapcho Medically reviewed by Dr. Abraham Benavides
Terpene Spotlight: Using the Benefits of Caryophyllene

Being an educated cannabis consumer is essential in understanding how your body responds to ingesting this biodiverse plant. Consumers are diving a little deeper into the science of cannabis to truly understand why their favorite strain is perfect for them, recognizing that cannabis is about more than just THC content. Cannabis contains many elements that provide beneficial responses within the body and mind. These effects come from more than just cannabinoid content. 

Terpenes Explained

Terpenes are organic compounds produced by a variety of insects and plants. One of those plants happens to be cannabis – and in abundance. Science is now showing us that it is the combination of those terpenes that actually has the ultimate say in the type of effect and intensity that one experiences when consuming cannabis. 

For many years the industry has run on THC content alone. Selecting cannabis strains based solely on the highest THC content is much like stomaching the worst drink at the bar just because it has the highest alcohol percentage. As consumers dabble with record-high levels of THC, many are finding that really isn’t what they prefer. 

Now being referred to as the “essential oils of cannabis”, terpenes have been long unrecognized and underappreciated by general consumers. Terpenes are the molecules within cannabis responsible for those pungent aromas and flavors of many strains. North American cultivars usually have around 50 terpenes, with some being more common than others. 

Theoretically, up to 200 terpenes are possible in an individual strain (or cultivar) of cannabis. This means there is an almost unlimited number of subtly distinct scents and combinations that are produced by breeders and cultivators over the centuries.

Caryophyllene Has a Wealth of Benefits

Terpenes provide a wide variety of aromatic properties, ranging from floral and earthy notes to musky and citrusy ones. When it comes to the spicier side of the spectrum, caryophyllene holds the trophy for the most flair. Caryophyllene is found in numerous plants throughout nature, including hops, black pepper, rosemary, and of course, cannabis. Caryophyllene’s molecular structure also contains a cyclobutane ring, something rare in nature, and not found in any other known cannabis terpene.

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So what is so special about this particular terpene? Well, it turns out that caryophyllene isn’t just any old terpene, it has also been found to play the role of a cannabinoid, too. So far, caryophyllene is the only terpene to directly interact with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS).It activates CB2 receptors, located mostly in the organs and tissues of the immune system. It also targets other important anti-inflammatory receptors like PPARγ and TLR4 complex, but doesn’t hit CB1. This means that it doesn’t cause any of the euphoric feelings of cannabis while providing many of the benefits associated with activating those receptors, like reducing inflammation.

Research Shows Promising Evidence

Researchers have conducted several studies that observed the response rate of the anti-inflammatory properties in rats with induced osteoarthritis. When it comes to other potential caryophyllene benefits, there is evidence indicating that the terpene contains compounds that balance the glucose levels in rats with diabetes. It also curbs alcohol intake and liver damage in mice because of alcohol or high fat.

Citing the need for further research, scientists have nonetheless hailed caryophyllene as possessing “significant anticancer activities, affecting growth and proliferation of numerous cancer cells,” according to a 2016 study. Updated 2020 research supports this claim, and many other key anticancer mechanisms, including synergy with chemo drugs while protecting vital organs like the heart. 

Other studies show that caryophyllene may help with Parkinson’s disease by activating the CB2 receptors that inhibit the loss of dopamine neurons and protect the brain from oxidative stress. The list of possible therapeutic effects of caryophyllene are:

  • Gastroprotective 
  • Pain-relieving 
  • Anticancer and antiproliferative 
  • Antifungal
  • Antibacterial 
  • Antidepressant and antianxiety
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant 
  • Neuroprotective

Distinguished as a dietary cannabinoid, caryophyllene, also known by its more scientific name beta-caryophyllene, is frequently encountered in the culinary world and may be beneficial in cases of arthritis, neuropathic pain, cancer, and other inflammatory diseases. There are only 6 clinical trials on caryophyllene to date, so there is room to learn more.

Note: The content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be professional medical advice. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe treatment based on the information provided. Always consult a physician before making any decision on the treatment of a medical condition.

This article was originally published in March 2020 and most recently updated in July 2024. 

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